I am remembering
How Chernobyl (Ukrainian Chornobyl)
Was named for Chernobylnik,
Or Artemisia vulgaris
And means
“The place where Mugwort grows”
I am thinking
Of the Babusi
Who returned to their homes
After the disaster
Despite the warnings
And the laws
Because, as they said
“If you leave, you die.
Motherland is motherland.”
I am hoping
As I stand by my own front door
Surrounded by the mugwort I planted
8 years ago
And which has since established itself
As guardian and friend
That while they prepare their
Molotov cocktails
The people of Ukraine
Are igniting that same tenacity
In their souls for the days to come
And I am holding
A prayer
That just like in the epic
The heroes
When they encounter
The scent of wormwood
Will remember the way
They are claimed by the land
And know their identity
Will never be separate from it